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1-866-597-8853Drug and alcohol treatment in Quinebaug, Connecticut isn't just an opportunity to get drug-free, it's also the opportunity to change the course of one's life for the better. Drug treatment isn't just about becoming abstinent, and if this sounds like the case at any given drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility in Quinebaug it is a very short-sighted goal. Detoxing and getting through withdrawal is needless to say challenging, and having accomplished this an individual might feel that they are prepared to remain drug-free and return to their daily lives. But in doing so, many people set themselves up to fail by not resolving the underlying and often deep layers of issues that ought to be addressed to allow them to have the wherewithal and ability to stay drug free and become the individual they want to be.
So drug and alcohol rehab in Quinebaug should be an extremely comprehensive process, which not only offers safe and helpful detox solutions, but additionally strives to help someone becoming rehabilitated in any other way that can make it easier for them to have the confidence to stay drug-free but also have a higher quality of life. These kinds of programs will often be more extensive than just an outpatient facility or possibly a therapy group. Inpatient and residential drugs and alcohol detox facilities in Quinebaug which offer a 90-120 stay, and supply an array of rehab services which strive to help someone resolve the real causes of their substance abuse are ideal and enjoy the highest rates of success. These rehabilitation are often very much within reach of anyone requiring treatment, and work with private medical insurance and in some cases offer payment assistance.
Meet with a registrar or treatment counselor at an alcohol and drug rehab center in Quinebaug, CT. today to find out what options are accessible and how to get started today.
Land Demographics, Quinebaug, CT.
Area: 0.49 Sq. MilesQuinebaug Education Demographics
In Elem School: 48 (84.21 %)Household and Income Statistics in: Quinebaug, CT.
Households: 191 Households%: 100.00 %Quinebaug, Connecticut does not have any local treatment facilities. We have searched for and provided treatment facilities in cities near you. If you need further assistance you can call at any time to speak with a certified drug and alcohol counselor.
Harrington Hospital OP Services - Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Outpatient Drug Rehab Program
Specialized in Dui/Dwi Offenders, Assistance For Hearing Impaired. Payment forms accepted: Self Payment, Medicaid, Medicare, State Financed Insurance, Private Insurance, Military Insurance.
Located at 161 West Main Street Dudley, MA. 1571. The phone number is 508-943-2944.
Webster LUK Site is an Outpatient Drug Rehab Program that can be reached at 508-640-0011. They specialize in Assistance For Hearing Impaired and accept the following forms of payment: Self Payment, Medicaid, Private Insurance, Sliding Scale Payment.
They are located at 251 Main Street Webster, MA. 1570.
Harrington Memorial Hospital is an Outpatient Drug Rehab Program that can be reached at 508-765-9167. They specialize in Spanish Speaking and accept the following forms of payment: Medicaid, Medicare, State Financed Insurance, Private Insurance.
They are located at 29 Pine Street Southbridge, MA. 1550.
Susan Wayne Center of Excellence is a with a focus on Drug and Alcohol Treatment. The address is 75 Church Street Thompson, CT. 6277 and phone number is 860-928-5900.
Payment forms accepted are Self Payment, Medicaid, State Financed Insurance, Private Insurance.